School Desks

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For the greatest convenience of the student, the company offers a wide variety of teacher, director and student offices, a classic desk with a computer superstructure, a desk with a first-class chair, folding children's desks, a corner desk for a nursery, a desk for home and a variety of chairs at the desk. Orders for different sizes and colors are accepted. With the possibility of different arrangement of drawers and cabinets. All desks are clean in design.
The manufacturer does not offer second-hand desks, only new ones.

Student deskStudent desk

A solid computer desk for students. The children's desk can be upgraded and has a drawer and locker with clean lines and clean lines. Can be ordered both left and right layout of the drawer and cabinet. The company also offers a suitable desk chair.

Desk Price: On request

Particle board colors - wooden part:

Computer school deskComputer school desk

Computer school desk with space for home computer.
Stable and healthy student desk. The desk can be upgraded and convenient to work with. It has a drawer and a cabinet with one shelf on the left and a separate place for a computer. There are different sizes for height and width, as well as a wide selection of colors. A suitable chair for the Computer Desk is also available.

Price: On request

Particle board colors - wooden part:

Teacher's BureauTeacher's Bureau

A stable teaching desk. Teacher desk / computer-capable / with melamine-coated chipboard. The desk is convenient for work. There are different sizes for height and width, rich color range of chipboard and metal construction. Suitable chairs for teachers' offices are also available.

Price: On request

Particle board colors - wooden part:

Colors of the metal part RAL:
